GMS Representative Tokushi Nakashima receives top 10 in Forbes JAPAN’s Forbes “JAPAN’s START-UP OF THE YEAR 2019”


Global Mobility Service, Inc. (hereafter referred to as “GMS”) announced that GMS President-director/ CEO Tokushi Nakashima has been selected as top 10 in “JAPAN’s START-UP OF THE YEAR 2019” presented by Forbes JAPAN.


【CEO Tokushi Nakashima at the Award Ceremony】

Forbes JAPAN, Japan’s leading business magazine, selects strong-willed entrepreneurs who will bear the future on Japan, in its “JAPAN’s START-UP OF THE YEAR 2019”.
Nakashima was highly evaluated for his efforts to tackle social problems by creating a system where the poor, who had no access to financial services, are able to utilize vehicles.

GMS is a financial subsidiary global venture firm from Japan that Nakashima, a serial entrepreneur, has established as his third start-up company. Based on our philosophy of “We make people happy through the provision of mobility service, ” we will continue to create opportunities for the 2 billion people worldwide through creating a mechanism whereby hard working individuals are correctly evaluated.

Please look forward to the future efforts of GMS.

[Inquiry Recipient]
Global Mobility Service Inc. Takahashi & Nozaki
TEL:+81-3-6264-3113 FAX:+81-3-6264-3322

About Global Mobility Service Inc.

November 25, 2013
Head Office:
4F Sumitomo Shiba Daimon Bldg.Ⅱ, 1-12-16 Shibadaimon,Minato-ku,Tokyo, 105-0012, Japan
Tokushi Nakashima (President/CEO)
-Providing Mobility Service Platform
-Utilization service of accumulated big data on the cloud server