Renet Japan Group and Global Mobility Service cooperate by FinTech business in Cambodia

ReNet Japan Group (the headquarters: Obu-shi, Aichi, a president-director: Takeshi Kuroda (as follows "ReNet Japan") and convincing venture Global Mobility Service of mobility IoT (the headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, president-director corporate executive officer/CEO: Tokushi Nakashima (as follows "GMS") hereby notify of agreed matters with respect to the enforcement of the demonstration experiment assuming the business collaboration at the lease business such as motor vehicle, a motorcycle, a motor tricycle, the agriculture equipment which a fin technical center in Cambodia of the ReNet Japan is applied in.

The ReNet Japan plans that a server shall be vehicles for regular connect after attaching IoT equipment to motor vehicle in order to simplify credit review upon the loan and the lease in this Business and builds the structure of "the fin technical center" that can promote payment by the suspension of the engine start from remoteness to a chase and payment arrears by the GPS. At this matter, there is already introduction performance in the Philippines and realizes a reliable service by pushing forward the introduction of vehicle installation IoT device "Mobility Cloud Connecting System (MCCS)" and the "Mobility Service Platform (MSPF)" realizing remote start control of the GMS with the reputation for the technology.
Also it aims at development, the development to the wide domain such as the affiliation with a coordination and the traffic infrastructure with the insurance not to remain for lease business in the future by utilizing a platform of the GMS.
Also, in the business end, the co-operations such as the group suggestion to the ride share service companies are going to be also pushed forward.

A demonstration experiment is exercised from this June, and, based on result, agreement concerning the business collaboration is going to be executed in September. Also, upon the business collaboration, the capital tie-up also pushes forward a review in the field of vision.
In addition, with respect to Cambodian mobility finance business, ReNet Japan and SBI Holdings, Inc. of the partner announcement develop in organization planned joint business venture "Mobility Finance Cambodia Plc." with the goal of the summer of 2017 on twenty-fourth (24th) day of May.

The ReNet Japan advocates "coexistence of profitability and the social nature" in an idea and wrestles for activities such as the car maintenance connection in cooperation with local government or international cooperation mechanism (JICA) as part of CSR activity in Cambodia from 2013, but will develop in earnest various businesses commencing with finance business utilizing a fin technical center in future.
The GMS utilizes performance and an original IoT technology in the Japan and ASEAN area and adds to an approach in this Cambodia and creates the way of the new finance in each state mainly on the ASEAN with the affiliation partner companies and wrestles for development, development of the business to make most person happy. Please expect for approach in the future.

Reference of journalist concerning this case

ReNet Japan Group, inc. charge: Nagado  TEL:0562-45-2930 FAX:0562-45-2903
Global Mobility Service, inc. charge: Takahashi TEL:03-6264-3113 FAX:03-6264-3322

The ReNet Japan advocates "coexistence of profitability and the social nature" in an idea and wrestles for activities such as the car maintenance connection in cooperation with local government or international cooperation mechanism (JICA) as part of CSR activity in Cambodia from 2013, but will develop in earnest various businesses commencing with finance business utilizing a fin technical center in future.

The GMS utilizes performance and an original IoT technology in the Japan and ASEAN area and adds to an approach in this Cambodia and creates the way of the new finance in each state mainly on the ASEAN with the affiliation partner companies and wrestles for development, development of the business to make most person happy. Please expect for approach in the future.

ReNet Japan Profile

Trade Name:ReNet Japan Group, inc
Incorporation:July 24, 2000
Location:Hitotsuyacho 3-45 Obu-shi, Aichi
Representative:Takeshi Kuroda
Stated capital:Five hundred eighty million one hundred eighty thousand (580,180,000) yen
Business outline: The small household appliance recycling business "ReNet", Internet used reuse business "NETOFF" and finance business that fintech is applied in Cambodia

GMS Profile

Trade Name:Global Mobility Service, inc.
Incorporation:November 25, 2013
Location:4F Sumitomo Shiba Daimon Bldg.Ⅱ, 1-12-16 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0012, Japan
Representative:Tokushi Nakashima
Stated capita:One billion seventy million seven hundred ten thousand (1,070,710,000) yen (capital surplus reserve is included)
Business outline:Second inflection service others of BIC data accumulating on the cloud, etc.