The Global Mobility Service, inc. (the headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo, president-director corporate executive officer/CEO Tokushi Nakashima, lower than "GMS") notifies you that GMS participates in "fourth Rise Up Festa" which is a contest to determine the best enterprise in growth companies and wins the highest award in a social Business section by sponsorship of the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ on twenty-first (21st) day of April, 2017.
The fourth Rise Up Festa commendation ceremony
The fourth Rise Up Festa
Sponsorship: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Support: Small Business Administration, Kyoto Prefecture, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto University, Association of General Corporate Judicial Person Japan Venture Capital, TKC Whole Country Meeting
Operation Cooperation: Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, Mitsubishi UFJ Capital
[Final and conclusive judge] (Honorific abbreviation)
The Director of Planning of Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
Corporate Executive Officer & Director of planning Minoru Saotome
Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting
Chief Director Eiji Washimi
Mitsubishi UFJ Capital
President-Director Muneki Handa
Stanford University
Director of Asia&American Management of Technology Research Center Professor Richard Dasher
Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.
Corporate Executive Officer & Director of Developer Evangelism Division Katsura Ito
Miyako Capital
President-Director Tetsushi Yamaguchi
Nissha Printing Co., Ltd.
President and CEO Junya Suzuki
Samco Inc.
Chairman & CEO Osamu Tsuji
With respect to an approach of the GMS
The GMS utilizes in-vehicle device "MCCS" and "Mobility Service Platform (MSPF)" of the original development to realize the remote start control of the mobility, and even the people who cannot be passed for credit review of an auto loan and the lease develop the Mobility × IoT × FinTech service to make vehicles to be available in Japan, ASEAN.
There are approximately two billion (2,000,000,000) people who cannot purchase a car without passing for a loan and review of the lease in the world. Because the replacement by purchase of vehicles does not advance, a discharge or a noise of the exhaust gas become serious social problem by aging vehicles continuing running.
Also, there are a lot of people who cannot keep a car. They may make living by the new jobs such as a taxi driver or the shipping industry if a car is available, therefore, construction of the structure that the profit of purchase and the car of new vehicles promotes inflecting is demanded eagerly.
The GMS gives the service that comes to be allowed to use automatic finance to the people whom review cannot pass conventionally using vehicles remote start control system "MCCS" developed originally. If payment of the loan or lease is delayed, it is controlled so that engine does not start by remote control, and it is paid by promoting the payment from a user, and dramatic reduction of percentage of delinquency and the percentage of credit losses is realized by any chance. Also, based on various vehicles data to collect in IoT platform system through a device and by creating new credit information, A profit utilized vehicles, and people of the world enabled a creation of the new credit.
As a result, that structure of this conventional automatic finance is revolutionized, and technology and "service that anyone realizes the structure which a profit can apply a car in are evaluated", we reached this receiving a prize.
The GMS realizes job creation, increase of the income, air environment improvement through a mobility service offer utilizing original technology and put an idea to make many people of the world happy in the base, and wrestles for settlement of the further social problem, creation of the sustainable car society.
Please expect for an approach of the future GMS.
Reference of this case
Global Mobility Service, inc. Takahashi (charge)
TEL: 03-6264-3113 (main)
With respect to Global Mobility Service, inc.
A company name: Global Mobility Service, inc.
Incorporation:November 25, 2013
Representative: President-director corporate executive officer/CEO Tokushi Nakashima
Location: 4F Sumitomo Shiba Daimon Bldg.Ⅱ, 1-12-16 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 105-0012, Japan
Stated capital: One billion seventy million seven hundred fourteen thousand nine hundred (1,070,714,900) yen (upon financing completion. Capital surplus reserve is included)
- Business outline:
・IoT platform service for mobilities
・Second inflection service of BIC data accumulating on the cloud